I. Personal data

Address: Miletic Marijan M., Trebinjska 8, 1113 Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Born: 27. 3. 1945, Varazdin, Croatia, male, married, citizen of Slovenia
Tel. +386-1-565-9555 Mobile: +386-31-536-482 Email: s56a@bit.si

II. Education

1988 Master of Computer Science, Univ. of Belgrade, Faculty of El. Eng.
1967 Bachelor of Science, Electronics and Telecomm, Univ. of Belgrade.

III. Professional skills

Technical management of multinational multidisciplinary projects.
Digital, analog and radio frequency circuit design.

IV. Work experience

Since November 2006 – Retired

Since August 1995 - Director and owner of Artinian Limited, Ljubljana.  
Management of two subsidiaries in the international trading and services.
Consulting in the field of electronics, telecommunications and computers,
mainly office automation, data processing and Internet applications.

1983-1995 - Consultant in the Department of Computer Science, Institute "Jozef Stefan", University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Awarded development of first 16 bit DEC compatible microcomputer, 1984.
Research and developement of various industrial computer interfaces.
Digital Signal Processing and spectrum analysis of speech signals.
Artificial intelligence systems, multimedia relational databases, graphic user environments.
Scientific co-operation with Boston and Ljubljana University, CMU, MIT.
International conferences and joint research with EU-COST and EU-COTECH. International Center for Public Enterprises seminar in Buenos Aires, 1984.
Organization of 1994 EU-COST meeting and annual seminars in Slovenia.

1975-1983 - Vice-president for tech. affairs, DEC Iskra-Delta, Ljubljana.

Large computer manufacturer with over 1.000 employees worldwide.
Supervision of research, hardware, software, maintenance managers.
Long-term planning of product developments and technical sales support.
Contract negotiations with foreign partners from Europe, Japan and USA.
IBM, DEC, FUJITSU and UNESCO conferences on technology and management.

1970-1975 - Field service manager, Interexport ICL, Belgrade.

Technical and logistics support, hardware and software maintenance.
Over one year of computers (and real language) training in England.

1967-1970 - Project engineer, Chemical industry Pancevo, Yugoslavia.

Computer process control, installation on new USA electrical equipment.

V. Publications

Over 100 technical articles on electronics and computers, mainly in English.

VI. Languages

Mother tongue is Croatian, fluent in English and Slovenian, working knowledge of German.